Who are the Members of ACTLA
Our members include administrators, staff, instructors, and student tutors who are involved in the areas of tutoring; learning assistance; developmental education; adjunct instruction; reading, writing, math, and learning center operations; and Supplemental Instruction.
Benefits of Membership
Join an organization that serves on a national learning assistance and developmental education council (CLADEA)
Subscription to the ACTLA listserv
Members only newsletter
Members only section of the website that includes a directory of learning assistance professionals **coming soon
Connect with a network of learning assistance professionals
Student employees of members eligible for scholarships
Opportunities to publish in ACTLA newsletter
Conference and meeting discounts
How to Become a Board Member
The ACTLA Executive Board is a dedicated group of learning assistance professionals who volunteer their time to strengthen our profession and create professional development opportunities for colleagues in California and the rest of the United States. If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please contact the President or President-Elect. Participating on the Executive Board is a personally and professionally rewarding experience.
Please complete this membership form before paying.
The yearly fee for professional membership is $35 and the yearly fee for Student Learning Assistant/Retiree membership is $10. Please note: Registration for the annual ACTLA Conference is inclusive of a yearly membership which will be active from the start of the conference until the start of the following year’s conference.
For credit/debit card payments, please request an email PayPal INVOICE. If you would like to pay with a check instead, please see instructions below.
Please write the check payable to “ACTLA” and include your name and email and mail to the ACTLA Treasurer:
ACTLA c/o Howard Masuda | 4846 Walnut Grove Avenue | Rosemead, CA 91770
If you have any membership questions, please contact our Membership, Outreach, and Marketing Coordinator:
Amber Racchini – amber.racchini@iup.edu
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