Fabienne Chaurderlot/ Symone McDaniels M.A.
Academic Support Strategies & Proactive Leadership in Equity Initiatives
Waffa Hanna/ Jen Nguyen/Erica Wildy
Leveraging Faculty Liaisons and Other Tools for SI Expansion
Timurhan Vengco
From Paper to Canvas: Coordinating a Supplemental Instruction Program through a Learning Management System
Katherine LeRoy
Mindful of Mind Full? The Role of Mindfulness in Student Success
Rebecca Rassool
Data Collection: Improving Efficacy in Your Program
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Leadership Development
Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)
Program Impact and Data Story Telling
Hunter R. Boylan
Developmental Education At The Crossroads
Serena Cuevas/ Lily Mara
A Community of Leadership
Mike Sauter
Improving Student Success by Implementing Educational Technology
LeBaron Woodyard
Impact on Tutoring on Basic Skills Math and English
Chantee Guiney/LeBarn Woodyard/Crystal Kiekel/Robert Withrow-Clark/Terrie Nichols
Chancellor's Office Discussion Panel on Tutoring
Antonio M. Alarcon/Natalia Cordoba-Velasquez/Melvin Jimenez
Effects of Academic Support in Students' Success, Persistence, and Levels of Engagement toward Completion
Siria Martinez/ Lisceth Brazil-Cruz
Building Partnership Across Campus Through Research
Eva Figueroa / Nice Gonzalez
Building a Community of SI Leaders/ Tutors
Ted Blake/Vandana Gavaskar/Albert Jimenez
Building The Mission of Aportionment: Viewpoint and Approaches: ACTLA 2018
Connor Dawson/ Lindsey Lazo
Strengthening Study Skills through Tutoring and Tutor Training
Connie Hayek
Developing Learning Rockstars
Crystal Kiekel/Eddie Tchertchian
Course Embedded Tutoring: Training and Support
Tanin Hooshmand/Eddie Tchertchian
Faculty + Tutor Leaders + Collaboration = Success
David Reed
A Dialogue: Academic Success in Light of AB 705 Implementation
Matt Bolin/ Wendy Alejandra Juarez Garcia/ Maryam Afsharghotoli
Being Culturally Responsive in Tutoring English Learners
Kristi V. Blackburn
Frameworks for Integrating Career Knowledge to Help Students Overcome "Occupational Segregation": An Equity Prespective
Denise Kruizenga-Muro
Flip It! Flip It! Good: The Flipped Writing Tutor Training Classroom
Garri Rivkin
Realizing Academic Support for All Though Google Hangouts on Air
Jen Welch
Graduate-Level Peer Tutoring: Unique Benefits, Unique Considerations
Jessica Chung
Infusing the Socratic Tutorial Process into The Collaborative Learning Center
Megan Keebler
Sense of Belonging and The Peer Educator
Christina Trujillo/ Timurhan Vengco
Learning Assistance is Backwards... Designed!
Karen Ball
Math Solves Problems
Scott McMullin
Make Learning Assistance POP
Allyson Tearnan
Innovation & Online Tutoring: Strategic Choices
Celebije Alija/ Aaron Gregory/ Jo Ann Roettgen/ Buddy Ugwumba