Leonard Geddes
Leonard Geddes is the Dean of Co-Curricular Programs and Director of the Learning Commons at Lenoir-Rhyne University, where he works with faculty, staff and students to improve instruction, and student learning and academic performance. His higher education career includes involvement in the development of First Year Experience programs, tutoring, working with student-athletes, teaching college students, and providing learning assistance. Mr. Geddes is an associate of the National Center for Developmental Education (NCDE). He provides workshops for the Kellogg Institute, the Appalachian State University graduate program in developmental education, The Louisiana Board of Regents, and the Chancellor's Institute of the Virginia Community College System. He is also a regular presenter at national and regional conferences. In 2012, Mr. Geddes received a grant to develop a metacognitive tutoring model by the National College Learning Center Association, which he presented at the 2013 annual conference. Currently, he is pioneering research that connects habit formation with student learning and performance.
Mr. Geddes is an expert on learning improvement for college and high school students. He founded The LearnWell Projects as a platform to provide practical, research-based support for college and university faculty. Mr. Geddes curates research from disparate fields and translates it into innovative practices that improve student performance and advance the learning assistance profession. The LearnWell Projects’ website is a portal through which educators and students throughout the world use a resource.